Our Supporters

We expect many individual Americans and organizations concerned about our schools to join us in supporting the ED in 08 campaign.

Strong American Schools Steering Committee

Roy Romer, Chairman
Former Governor of Colorado and Former Superintendent of Los Angeles Unified School District

Eli Broad
Founder, The Broad Foundations

Allan Golston
President of U.S. Program, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Janet Murguía
President and CEO, National Council of La Raza

Louis B. Gerstner
Former CEO of IBM

John Engler
Former Governor of Michigan and President of the National Association of Manufacturers

Marc Lampkin, Executive Director

Public Statements of Support


In The News

  • 08.9.07

    Dropouts | Newsweek  

    The United States has quietly withdrawn from an international study comparing math and science students. (Newsweek)

  • 08.9.07

    High School Seniors Test Well in Basic Economics  

    Forty-two percent of high school seniors across the country scored proficient or better on the first NAEP survey of economic literacy which is significantly higher than both reading and math. (Washington Post)

  • 08.8.07

    Civil Rights groups call for NCLB changes  

    More than 20 civil rights groups have called for major changes to NCLB to ensure it continues to offer full attention and opportunities to succeed to minority students. (Daily Kos Blog)

  • 08.7.07

    County schools’ improvement to be national example  

    Eight school districts that have showed progress in helping their schools improve in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act are featured in the National Center on Innovation and Improvement’s “Handbook on Statewide Systems of Support.”  (Tuscaloosa News)

  • 08.6.07

    Back to School – For Parents  

    Parent involvement is critical to school improvement and success, and Prince George’s County is creating parent-centered programs to ensure they stay involved with the schools. (Washington Post)